Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hello.....I am interested in incorporating more technology in my high school math classes.  I also teach a computer application class and I hope to incorporate video learning, problem solving, digital citizenship and other technologies.  I am eager to learn about web tools.  I have learned how to use mindmeister, animoto, edmodo, and other web tools.  I hope to find more web tools to teach math.  I have limited resources.  I have used g(math) and desmos.  If you have other web tools for math, please let me know.  I look forward to an engaging class in which I will be able to use what I learn in my fall classes.


  1. I think that the website/blog offers more informational and general question and answer feedback. The wiki seems more two way communication.I like the idea of a closed system that students are invited to join and can comment. Website/blogging seems more open to public less protected. It is interesting that this class has so many variations in blogging types. It is great to see the different platforms in use to get an idea of what might suit the needs of my classroom best. What I choose for my k-2 rooms may be way different from 3-5.

  2. Hi Daniela! I am a math teacher by education, but am now also teaching computers/tech for middle school and a high school business course at a small private school overseas. I am looking forward to using the tools we learn in class in computers as well as math and business.

  3. I'll see if I can round up any high school math apps/websites for you, Daniela
